Bhopal: A few thieves allegedly come into the girls hostel of Gandhi Medical College in the metropolis and left away with coins and items valued at Rs one lakh on Wednesday.Police said that the thieves entered 3 quarters of the girls hostel of GMC via a bathing room window."They could not take any item for robbing from one room; however, they collected a number of important things and were able to escape with stolen things valued at Rs 1 lakh," it said.Kirti Brar, twenty one, an MBBS junior final student, went to her senior's room after locking her space. When she came back the next early morning she found the window of their A Block hostel room number broken.Kirti advised police that in fact her gold chain, bands, tops and 1 silver-necklace were absent. The stolen things count Rs 70,000, they knowledgeable police.The robbers also come into space number 49 of the hostel and left away with Rs 10,000 cash, three cameras. However, might also not get to steal from room number 53 of the hostel.
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