Bollywood film production company UTV motion pictures has rejected the rumors, in which it was being said that in the film by director Madhur Bhandarkar Heroine, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has been replaced by Kareena Kapoor. Aishwarya had opted out of the film as she was pregnant. However, some days back, Kareena had agreed that she will be acting in the movie. Even a child can tell that there is a vast difference between the statements of her's and UTV's.
O+In the official statement by the company, it has been said that no actress has been yet finalized for the role left out by Aishwarya. Actually, there was a news in a Mumbai local newspaper that after some adjustments, Kareena has agreed to the film in Rs. 8 crores in place of her earlier demand of Rs. 10 crores. After all this only, UTV had to clarify it's stand.
Kareena Kapoor was the actual choice for the film earlier but Aishwarya was chosen due to some reasons and the shooting was on hold after only ten days of it's commencement when Amitabh Bachchan gave the news of her being pregnant.
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