Deepika Padukone who made one of the most promising debue in Bollywood with her film 'Om Shanti Om' and is currently one of the top rated & among the most popular B-town stars has refused an offer of posing nude for the cover page of thefamous magazine Playboy. It has been known from the sources that Playboy offered Rs 7.5 Crore to Deepika for this purpose.
Though Deepika is one of those stars whose name has been linked many time with different stars and personalities on a regular basis, but she doesn't want to sacrifice with her respect and dignity at any cost.That's why she refused this offer from Playboy recently.
Magazine wanted to publish a nude snapshot of Deepika Padukone on it's cover page but she completely rejected the offer. According to Deepika, the value of self respect and dignity is more than money for her and she doesn't want to loose it at any cost. She said that, "I don't want to make my parents ashamed of me."
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