Now presenting a Credit card which will finish your shopping hunger. With this you can buy all your desired and favorite things. This card has been presented by the Indian bank HDFC. The bank announced the launch of this card in Mumbai on Tuesday. This card has been named 'Infinia' and this card is exclusively meant for the supreme rich class people of India and in the entire country, only 5000 people will get the opportunity to have this. The MD of the bank Aditya Puri told that this card is made of the level of American Express Bank card.
This card has many features and the owner of this card do as much shopping as he desire, also he will be insured by a worth of Rs 3 Crore for air accident, The card holder will get lounge entry to around 600 airports all over the world and on this a interest of 1.99% will be applied. It's joining fees will be Rs 30,000 and annual fees will be Rs 10,000.
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